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Pastor Hao Zhiwei

Who Is Pastor Hao Zhiwei ? – Chinese Pastor Sentenced To 8 years In Prison For Preaching The Gospel

Source: Pastor Hao Zhiwei

Who Is Pastor Hao Zhiwei ? – Chinese Pastor Sentenced To 8 years In Prison For Preaching The Gospel – After her house church declined to join the state-run church, which monitors and supervises Protestant congregations, a female pastor in China’s Hubei region was sentenced to eight years in prison on charges of “fraud for proclaiming the Gospel.”

Pastor Hao Zhiwei
Pastor Hao Zhiwei

Pastor Hao Zhiwei, who operated a house church in Ezhou, Hubei province, was convicted earlier this month by Echeng District Court after being detained by police for two and a half years.

Hao, 51, was detained in 2019 after refusing to join the Three-Self Church, according to UCA News. According to her lawyer, Si Weijiang, she was charged with spreading the gospel and accepting funds from church members without the approval of the Three-Self Patriotic Movement of Protestant Churches and the Christian Council.

According to The Christian Post, Si stated that while other house church pastors have been arrested for fraud, Hao is the country’s first fraud suspect.

Hao’s church edifice was demolished in 2019 under continued persecution, according to the watchdog group Church in Chains.
To push churches into joining the Three-Self Patriotic Movement, the party used cross removal, sealing and destruction of church structures, a restriction on church offerings, and “Sinicization.” The practice of infusing Chinese culture, religious and political ideas into Christianity is known as sinicization.

“Other allegations include “illegal business operations,” “inciting subversion of state power,” “picking quarrels and causing trouble,” and so on. “These allegations are thorns on the head of a faithful preacher and God’s crown for His faithful servants,” the group added.

Hao’s two sons survive her. Her husband died several years ago. Moses, Hao’s youngest kid, attends middle school and suffers from depression, according to the watchdog group International Christian Concern (ICC).

Hao’s health is deteriorating in prison, according to the organisation, and she has lost a large amount of weight.

“She had acute pancreatitis four times after being imprisoned for more than two years and was sent to the emergency hospital.” “She was on the verge of losing her life,” the ICC stated.

Despite the fact that she is being held for proclaiming the Gospel, Hao has “great trust that she would be released without prosecution.”

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