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How I Used My Wife Presence To Escape Temptations While Preparing For Marriage - Apostle Johnson Suleman

How I Used My Wife Presence To Escape Temptations While Preparing For Marriage – Apostle Johnson Suleman

Source: Apostle Johnson Suleman

How I Used My Wife Presence To Escape Temptations While Preparing For Marriage – Apostle Johnson Suleman

When I was preparing to get married to mama. I have already given her engagement ring. There was one two left legged girl and would visit me and sit down (you know there are some people that will visit you and you will use every strategy to tell them to go but they won’t).



Guess what i did… anytime she tells me she’s on her way, I will call mama to come..How I Used My Wife Presence To Escape Temptations While Preparing For Marriage -  Apostle Johnson Suleman

So when they came, I called her name and told her, this is the lady I want to marry… She said okay.., her face changed(okay…Sister well done).

Mama was innocent, she did not know why I called her. The lady said, she is going, I asked her: go where? Sitdown… so I put the film she love tof watch and I left the house..

When I came back, I saw only mama, and I asked what happened? Is that girl gone? She said yes.

My wife asked me why did I left my door open? I replied her; You will not understand…you too come and go. I locked the door.

The next two days, she said I am coming again.. as soon as she ended the call, I called mama again. They both came and they sat down.

One day I told my wife, have you not notice I don’t call you to come unless this girl is coming? She said yes! I said okay, if you don’t understand by now..

She(mama) said; eeeeeeh….okay, no problem.

The last time she came, mama asked her, this place you are always coming to, what are you looking for? I need to understand what you are looking for here..

There are people sir, if their coming around will make you offend God, offend them. That your window you normally open from where you peep and see wrong people, close the window, let heat kill you

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