progress in life is detained when attention to details is ignored very important it's a major part of it of excellence other people are passing but you place your hand on the table and you saw that there was dust on that table and you couldn't leave it like that everybody you seen but you saw that there was cobweb on the wall and you decided to remove the cobweb everybody walked and passed but you saw that piece of paper on the ground and you know that is not where it should be it should be in the trash can in the garbage can you picked it from the ground it makes a world of difference to your life and your destiny it may appear like you are just doing extra things originally but eventually it will make a world of difference we say little hinges swing big doors minor things minor details are the precursor for major differences do you understand that the difference between the ordinary and the extraordinary is the extra ordinary people do ordinary things extraordinary people do extra things ordinary people do normal things extra ordinary people do extra things they go beyond they they they they go beyond the they go the extra mile they pay attention to details that was what happened in the camp of is israel in front of the philistines when david arrived and said who is his own circumcised philistine everybody saw that it was a normal thing it was very normal to them the man was speaking to us no more but not to this guy it was it was who is this one that should defy the armies of my god attention to details is the number two force or pillar in the adventure of excellence number four is intolerance of mediocrity in intolerance of mediocrity you refuse to tolerate mediocrity to live an excellent life or to excel in life you must be intolerant of mediocrity you must be impatient with mediocrity you must be allergic to average average existence you must be adverse to substandard operations you must refuse to manage anything that is not the best you refuse to manage it you refuse to manage it you refuse the language of this is good enough you refuse that language that if it is not the very very best it is never good enough for the king of kings and the lord of lords if it is not the very best you refuse that language in daniel chapter 1 and verse 8 the bible said and daniel but daniel proposed in his heart that he will not defile himself with the portion of the kingsmith now with the wine which he drank he purposed in his heart he purposed in his heart hallelujah he purposed in his heart he proposed in his heart and that purpose of heart distinct christian are you patient with mediocrity maybe you don't want people to be angry with you or maybe you don't want people to think your own is too much or you don't want me to think that you are taking things too far you see conformity is the enemy of destiny where you allow people to conform you to themselves to conform you to their standard and to compel you to agree that what is not right is right then you have limited your destiny the bible said i beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of the living god that you present your body's a living sacrifice only unacceptable unto god which is your reasonable service be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind conformity is the enemy of destiny and conformity is the enemy of originality it is better i have said all the time it is better to walk alone than to walk with the wrong crowd it is better to take a stand even if you have to stand alone it's better to take a stand i mean if everybody sees mediocrity as normal they walk come to the office anytime they want they are just in and making noise in the office when they should be walking they are doing this and doing that and you made up your mind that you that that is not the way to go they may look at you somehow mock at you conspire against you try to think you are the odd one they are the better people you know a time when the time comes when those doing wrong are doing it so boldly and those doing doing the right thing are doing it so timidly that the wrong appears to be the right and the right appears to be the wrong but that devil is a liar stand and do the right thing boldly and then and then and then outbuilding those who are doing the wrong thing but don't forget what i've just said it's better to walk alone than to walk with the wrong crowd it is important to take a stand even if you have to stand alone conformity is the enemy of destiny conformity is the enemy of quality conformity is the enemy of dignity is a limitation of of of of destiny must be intolerant it doesn't matter who is patient with average you refuse to be patient there may be people you respect i've been to offices before where people i love respect and value are busy blowing vernacular with their tribal people that's one of the worst things anybody can do for with in in in a secular setting where people are there people are for that tribes other languages they are there you are speaking across their head to your tribe our officer i say what i thought this person was educated i thought this person was civilized i thought this person understands how to behave yes you can speak your language but speak it to your house speak the one everybody can understand where everybody and everybody is gathered and if you are alone with your tribal man you can speak to him you see so it doesn't matter who is behaving substandard it may be someone you love or someone you respect you have valued but you see him behaving he's eating corn he throws it out of the car and you're inside the same car with him he finishes a wrap of a biscuit or biscuit or whatever it is you put it up one down the glass throw it out threw it out for who to pick it from the road what the what what a barbaric behavior highly uncivilized behavior there are times you've come across people like that who behave in very very low ways refuse to conform that you may not correct or challenge people like that so it doesn't look personal and if it's someone you can correct you can but if it is not someone you can correct you hate the behavior and make up your mind to do the right thing make up your mind to do the right thing intolerance of mediocrity you must have zero zero tolerance for mediocrity on the journey of excellence intolerant of mediocrity you must be allergic to average you must average existence you must be advanced to substandard oppression and then you must come to the point where you refuse to manage anything that is not optimal i prophesy to somebody here this night i declare a change is coming away god is placing his seal of excellence upon your life his seal of excellence upon your life and changing your life story i'm bringing you to a point where those who knew you before will begin to value and respect you because of your excellence delivery if you believe that shout the loudest amen in jesus precious name that was number four on the forces or the keys we employ in our adventure of excellence number five is continuity of improvement so first of all there must be a decision for excellence and then second association with the excellent and then number four attention free attention to details number four intolerance intolerance of mediocrity number five continuity of improvement the path of the just is a shining light that shine it more and more until the perfect day we have just said that excellence is not a destination it is an adventure so there is the continuity of improvement you continue to improve on the things you do and that is a major secret of excellence at the introduction we say that everything that is visible and everything that is audible everything that is tangible is improvable anything you can see can be improved anything you can hear can be improved vision can be improved sound can be improved anything you can touch can be improved so you continue to improve them you see we said also at the beginning that the largest room in the universe is the room for improvement so you continue to improve on these things you continue to improve on these things somebody say loud amen somebody say louder amen leave your writing and say in the name of jesus i shall continue to improve on the things in my life say the loudest amen in the largest room is the room to improve if you will not update you become outdated if you are not updated you soon become outdated if you are not updated you soon become antiquated if you are not updated you soon become outmoded outdated antiquated outmoded if you are not updated do you understand what i'm talking about we give this example all the time you see an ancient house that was built 40 years ago it was the outstanding shining house then but today if you look at it now maybe there are more fanciful designs now what was celebrated then can only be monuments today but um there are other celebrated structures now you see you remember in those days the 544 of those days the 404 of those days you remember those those vehicles with the big nose and remember the glory of those days that they used to whine with the hand and all those kind of things today you those are not things that are celebrated today now except for antiquity purposes for some of them but if you want this journey of excellence this adventure to be exciting thrilling and fulfilling there must be continuous improvement continuous improvement is a function of number six which is called value for knowledge value for knowledge knowledge that is number six now on this journey so continuity of improvement and then value for knowledge value for knowledge value for knowledge knowledge brings new edge the bible says our eyes shine for your light is come so light makes people shine isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 and light equals information light is revelation light is knowledge light is understanding see so knowledge information they bring distinction to be lighted is to be uplifted it brings distinction people are deformed when they are not informed people get malformed when they are not adequately informed you know what they call genetic malformation where a child was born with the hand of some fingers missing or with a cleft palate the nose is open like that or some verbs in the heart are not functioning it is a it is a deformation disinformation of the genetic code some informations are missing on the genetic codon the information that should have formed that finger was missing so the child was born with a missing finger the information on the gene that would have that should have formed the bridge of the nose and all that was missing there and so the child was born with the missing with the missing bridge of the nose you see that that information responsible before the formation of the ear was missing so he was born with one ear and the other one is missing so it is when people are not correctly adequately informed that they get malformed or deformed you see that's that's that's congenital malformation and that's malformation everywhere if your life is not is not going to be deformed if your assignment and what you do is not going to be deformed or malformed you must be informed you must be informed so you continue on the job on the knowledge journey the knowledge journey you keep on learning you keep on learning you keep on understanding and as you continue to learn and to continue to understand then the adventure of excellence become exciting so what do you do on this adventure of excellence number one the decision for excellence number two association with the excellent number three attention to details number four intolerance of mediocrity number five continuity of improvement number six value for knowledge and number seven diligence of labor diligence of labor excellence answers to diligence it is the diligent liberal that experiences excellent delivery in life the diligent liberal ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 10 said so whatsoever your hand finder to do do it with your might that is diligent hard work is the doorway to high flight in life hard work no one forces his way up without walk no one flies high who does not work hard you see when the person comes out with a first class degree work went in while other students were partying and going to social club meetings and all those kind of things social and so on he was buried in work you see when you see a first-class athlete that person walk ahead of him will now rudolph who walked herself almost 16 to 20 hours every day every day for four years before she appeared for the first olympic and then and then the second one where she won three the first woman in history to win three gold medals in an olympic competition 100 meters dash 200 meters and then as the anchor woman for what 100 what 100 by four hundred meters relay race she won it as the anchor woman she pushed herself you see you do not you do not reach your potentials until you stretch yourself there is no reach without a stretch nothing excels until somebody is diligent you make up your mind to walk to walk to walk no free lunch in life you are going to work hard you are going to work on structures you are going to work on organization you are going to work on order so that it can come out well i believe is a new day for someone on this adventure of excellence and i believe the devil will never have his way in your life i believe the plan and the purpose of god for your life in this season shall be fulfilled stand up on your feet give you the love the praise worship him honor him and adore him and begin to appreciate him for this world that has come upon you today word intense word exciting word life-changing word destiny mulder world that has come your way today she wrote a sign