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Bible Verses Christian Should Read Every Morning

6 Bible Verses Christian Should Read Every Morning

Source: BIBLE

6 Bible Verses Christian Should Read Every Morning , God instructs that you should read and meditate in his law in the day (which begins with the morning) and also at night, and this is because he (God) upholds all things by the word of his power, and since his word is spirit and life, and death and life are in the power of the tongue, and he has commanded also that his word should not depart out of your mouth, reading and declaring the word of God in some Bible verses will make God establish his word in your life, upholds you, keep you, and male you to prosper and become productive in whatever you set your hand to do.

Bible Verses Christian Should Read Every Morning
Bible Verses Christian Should Read Every Morning

Given below are six Bible verses you should read when you wake up in the morning.



Table of Contents

1. Ephesians 6:10.

This Bible verse given above says that you should be strong in the Lord and also in the power of his might, and since Isaiah 40:29 reveals that God gives power to the faints and increases the strength of those who do not have any might, reading and declaring the above Bible verse when you wake up in the morning will help you to develop the consciousness of looking up to God to empower you and make you strong by giving you his knowledge because Proverbs 24:5 says that a wise man is strong, and also that a man of knowledge increases strength.

2. Psalm 29:11.

Reading and declaring the above Bible verse in the morning will make God grant you his peace to keep and stabilize your mind and heart because the verse says that God will bless his people with peace, and Philippians 4:6 reveals that the peace of God passes all human understanding and is capable of keeping the mind and heart.

3. Proverbs 10:22.

The above Bible verse says that God’s blessing makes one rich, and he does not add sorrow together with it, and since Psalm 3:8 reveals that God’s blessing is on his people, you should read and declare the word of God in the Bible verse when you wake you in the morning so that his blessing can come upon you, and also make you rich.

4. Psalm 90:10.

The Bible verse above says that no evil or disease will befall you or come close to your place of dwelling, and since Psalm 121: 6 reveals that God will preserve you from all evil, you should ensure that you read and declare the Bible verse when you wake up in the morning for God to establish his word of promise in your life.

5. 3John 1:3.

According to the Bible verse given above, God’s wish is for you to prosper, be in good health and that your soul should prosper likewise, and since Jeremiah 29:11 reveals that God’s thought and plan for you are good and not evil, you should read and declare the Bible verse when you wake up in the morning.

6. Psalm 5:10.

The Bible verse above says that God should destroy your enemies and also make them fall by their counsel and should as well cast them out in the multitude of their transgressions because they have rebelled against him, and since Isaiah 8:10 reveals that any counsel against you shall come to nothing, and any word taking against you shall not stand, you should declare the Bible verse when you wake up in the morning for God to make your enemies fall by their counsel.

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