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Meaning Of John 14:14

Meaning Of John 14:14 That You Need To Know

Source: John 14:14

Meaning Of John 14:14 That You Need To Know , One of the most important promises made by Jesus Christ to his disciples is to do anything they ask in his name, and this is because he is the true God and eternal life (1John 5:20) and all power in heaven and on earth have been given unto him, and since he upholds all things by the word of his power (Hebrews 1:3), and his name is above every name, he will do anything his disciples asked in his name, and John 14:14 says something deep about it which I want to share with you, and so I want you to carefully read the entire article as I discuss it in details.

Meaning Of John 14:14
Meaning Of John 14:14

Here is the deeper meaning of John 14:14.


” If ye shall ask anything in my name, I will do it.”


According to the Bible passage given above, ” If ye shall ask anything in my name”, this means if any of his disciples shall ask anything whatsoever in his name. A disciple of Jesus Christ has been born again and has confessed Jesus has Lord and also believed that God has raised Him from the dead and chooses to follow him by continuing in his words (John 8:31), and whatever such a person asks in his name, he will do it.

” I will do it.”, this second part of the passage means that he (Jesus Christ) will do anything his disciples ask in his name. This is because he is God, and according to Psalm 62:11, power belongs to God, and Ephesians 4:20 reveals that he can do exceeding more abundantly above what we ask or think according to His power that works in us. This means he has the ability, capacity, resources and power to do anything his disciples may ask in his name.

As children of God and disciples of Jesus Christ, we can also ask anything in his name and as he has promised, he will do it because he has all the power to do what we ask in his name.

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