This Website Is Dedicated To Carlo Acutis - The Patron Saint Of The Internet Amen

Read JOHN CHI Tribute To Prophet TB Joshua – (Full Text)

Read JOHN CHI Tribute To Prophet TB Joshua – (Full Text)

[Music] [Music]



each day as if it were your last

with what pleasure apostle paul looked


upon the life he had lived he did not

share death at

all because he had the testimony of his


that by the grace of god he had

in some way in some nature answered the


of living death to a good man

is his early release

from the imprisonment of this world and

his departure

to the enjoyment of another world he

does not cease to be but

he is only removed from one world

to another this world is not our home

we are only passing through


much less love and beauty

and less work


nothing in this world can


[Music] [Music]

your prayers


god in your prayers

to me


and praise

holder of my future days

to calm your praises

[Music] [Music]

so we’re singing oh

jesus oh



death to a good man

is his early release

from the imprisonment of this world

a good man does not cease to live he

continues to live


as children of god we should live each

day as if

it were our last anton confronted

me because life is uncertain

death is sure

jesus christ is lord jesus christ

turn with me to the book of second


yeah chapter 6

shabby crosses

we then as

workers together with him

also plead

with you not to receive the grace of god

in vain

for he says in an

acceptable time

i have hurt you and in the day of



i have helped you behold

now is the acceptable time

behold now is the day of salvation

we give no offense to anything

that our ministry may not be blamed

but in all things we commend ourselves

as ministers of god in much

patience in tribulations

in need in distresses

in stripes in imprisonments

in turmoil in labors

in sleeplessness in fastings

by purity by knowledge by long-suffering

by kindness by the holy spirit

by sincere love by the word of

truth by the power of god

by the armor of righteousness on the

right hand

and on the left by honor and dishonor

by evil reports and good reports

as deceivers and yet true

as unknown and yet well known

as dying and behold we live

as chest thinned and yet not killed

as sorrowful yet always rejoicing

as poor yet making many

rich as having nothing and yet

possessing all things

we thank god who graciously has called

our father in the lord god’s general


the prophet t.b joshua to his

heavenly home don’t


this world is not our home

summoned amazon

we are only passing through know some of

the person

in our passage through this wicked world

no no passage to our permanent

home where peace joy

and comfort reside

we need the lord so that we may not dash

our feet against a stone

and stumble

the bible says we are in the world but

we are not part

of it

the only way we can be in this world but

keep the world and it values

from living in our hearts is by

regularly taking into our hearts

the word of truth the message of truth

so come for me and someone said

the motto of life says like de viso de

la vide

live each day as if it were your last


everything god created is fixed

on fix he allotted a time

for them all

there is a time for planting and a time

for harvesting


god almighty has set the right time for

everything that happens in this world

he seized down someone god did it this


so that men should tremble before him

this world is not my



in this world





god has set the right time for

everything that happens in this world

stan simone

these are the evolutionary stages

of life so evolution

de la vie the bible says that we are in

the world

but we are not part of them

if you are not of this world civil


and you are called to the path you


to i mean

why are you crying

lamenting and showing self-pity

is it because it is not the right thing

more when is the right time

say hello mom and what is

the nature of death you expect

a kel ela nacho de la morton

the nature of death the apostles of old


some were crucified upright

some upside down

why some were burned


some disappeared in chariot

don’t go on this barrier or don’t look


they died at different ages is somewhere

at the different

age some in their thirties

certain a lot content forties don’t call

alako hunting

and so on and see the streets they

really paid

the supreme price to bring the gospel we

are enjoying today

remember a servant cannot be greater


the master happily

i mean god’s children bear a likeness to

their father in heaven

love life


god save my





thank you thank you obviously

eternal life eternal is the

soul and purpose of our activities

here on earth celebrity activity

the bible says that we are in this world

but we are not

part of this world

party therefore we look up to a heavenly

home that will last


any time four even now

memento can be our final day

on earth

how sure you are prepared

many people today fail to realize that

the age at which one dies

does not really matter

important the age at which one dies

is immaterial before god larger than


immature what matters

is how we live our lives

and what we achieved in him

encyclopedias are complete so

only when i say in him i mean on the



our achievement in him is on the inside

not on the outside not accomplish

someone only airline

exterior i’m not talking of achievement

on the outside

you know about the accomplishment

exterior such as

many houses come up for example

represent amazon

many cars we could offer to you many


resilience and fun all these are

achievements on the outside

two successes will accomplish some on

the legs they’re here i’m talking of

achievement on the inside japan they’ll

accomplish some on the interior

because the bible says in him we live

cause he declares in him we move

in him we talk in him we sleep in him we

have our being

what counts are not achievement on the

outside but

achievement on the inside not our

achievements before men

but our achievement before god but not


not treasures on earth but treasures

in heaven

only treasures taught up in heaven

are permanent and secure they retain

their value

because they are under god’s own


control god’s security goes beyond the


security even in the grave jesus christ

is lord memo

therefore let us live for eternity

allah and we shall secure

all that is available in it

matthew 6 verse 19 to 20.

it is verses whether we die young

or old what matters is the grace to

continue to live

here after

but he that lives long in this world

and dies hereafter dies

but a wicked man is not satisfied

even with long lives man no mention

nepal satisfied me thank you you no

longer be

look at me to say lah regarding me to


the scripture says that he was the

oldest man

on earth

but there was no record of his


you cannot compare his old age

with the edge of our savior jesus christ

jesus christ was crucified in his 30s

jesus christ content

yet his achievement

messages accomplished some more we’re

much older

interpreter than his age personas

jesus christ was and is still

the greatest soul winner the world has

ever known

jesus christ had a sense of destiny

jesus christ available destiny he lived

for what he was born for

and died for what he was born for

he lived for what he was born for and

died for what he was born

what are you living for and what are you

going to die for

me what are you prepared to die

for prepare a movie

time with jesus christ it’s time to

render account

a little example can have a big


empty example

grand juice let me take you to second


second timothy chapter 4

verse 6 this

asset for i am already being poured out

as a drink offering and the time of my


is at hand i have fought a good fight

i have finished the race i have kept the


finally there is led up for me

the crown of righteousness which the

lord the righteous

judge will give to me on that

day and not to me only but

also to all who have loved

his appearance

joshua the prophet t.b joshua

has finished the race well

above all he has finished the race well

circles if you look at this text

convoy out there see the question is

with what pleasure

apostle paul look back upon the life he

had lived

he did not fear death at all repealed

the lama

because he had the testimony of his


the circumcision that by the grace of


the palace asked the jew he had in some


in some nature answered the ends of


death to a good man

is his early release

from the imprisonment of this world

and his departure to the enjoyment of

another world

to our permanent home where peace

joy comfort

recite another permanent

heaven lucille

is our abode

senator paris we long to be there

do you long to be there america

do you long to be there america

god general general dj

prophet t.b joshua prophet t.b joshua

the father of all nations

rest in perfect peace

in jesus christ’s name oh no jesus


rise up level

let everyone be silent

for the body of christ god the priest

in jesus christ’s name oh no the jesus

father strengthen the body of christ

send your force if you call the christ

strengthen your people forcib on purple

in the name of jesus christ amen

right now open your lips and begin to

pray for the body of christ

pray for the body of christ

in jesus christ’s name we pray amen

pray for his family for me

may god strengthen them i thank you

jelly for 15.

may god empower them good joy

for 15. may god fortify them would you

continue our efforts here pray for the


he he puts up for me pray for his

spiritual children all over the world

spiritually down the mountain

pray for his wife and children


in the mighty name of jesus christ we


amen pray for the ministry

create some minister god’s

work will continue to grow in power

i thank god love for the jedi continue

to download


in jesus christ’s name we pray amen

thank you lord mercy senor

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