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Faith Oyedepo Reveals Why Christians Should Not Marry Non-Christians

Faith Oyedepo Reveals Why Christians Should Not Marry Non-Christians

Have you ever wondered why Christian leaders discourage the marriage between Christians and non-christians? Faith Oyedepo has given an explanation.

She said that a personal relationship with Jesus is the cornerstone of any successful marriage, and because there is no meeting point between a Christian and a sinner, it is unbiblical for a Christian to marry a non-christian.

Faith Oyedepo Reveals Why Christians Should Not Marry Non-Christians
Faith Oyedepo Reveals Why Christians Should Not Marry Non-Christians


The Bible commands Christians not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers. To be unequally yoked means to be connected together although you don’t have the same beliefs. This will cause serious tensions, which could even end the marriage.

The unbeliever might be tolerant of your views at the start of the marriage, but what happens when children come in? What if he refuses to let you give the children Christian instruction because he believes it’s equivalent to indoctrination? Can you imagine the tension that will cause as you try to obey God by raising your children in the way of the Lord?

What about your own personal spiritual growth? When you get married, God will expect both of you to spur each other to growth, but when one person is spiritually alive and another is dead, how will the growth happen? Rather, your own spiritual growth will be truncated. Your partner might not join you in prayer and Bible study, and you can easily get discouraged when you do it alone.

The Bible says the commands of the Lord are not grievous, but they are for our profiting. He knows why he instructed us not to marry non-Christians, and it will be for our own good to obey him.

What do you think of this? Share your thoughts in the comments. Be blessed.

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1 thought on “Faith Oyedepo Reveals Why Christians Should Not Marry Non-Christians”

  1. I’m really agree about her teaching .but most of as do have the ability to accept it .I pray that may God help and give as this anderstanting


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