7 Powerful Morning Prayers For Catholics

7 Powerful Morning Prayers For Catholics , There are some morning prayers you should say before you begin your day’s activities, and this is because the morning marks the beginning of a new day, and it’s important to acknowledge God by submitting to him and commit the activities of the day into his mighty hand so that he can take charge of it, preserve you, and as well make you productive and successful in all your endeavors.

Morning Prayers For Catholics
Morning Prayers For Catholics

Seeking God’s help through morning prayers will give you the wisdom, grace, and strength that you need to prosper and excel, and since all things are possible with God, he has all the power, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and resources to back you up, and all you need is to trust and believe that all your request shall be granted because he (God) has promised to do whatever you ask in his name (John 14:14).

Here are seven Morning Prayers For Catholics you should say before you begin your day’s activities.

1. Give thanks to the Lord for his goodness and mercy shown to you. Psalm 136:1 tells us to give thanks to the Lord because he is good and his mercy endures forever.

Prayer: Father Lord, I thank you for your goodness and mercy, I appreciate every good thing you have done for me, for the newness of your mercy and love that I receive, I bless you Lord and give thanks with the whole of my heart.

2. Ask God to pardon your sins and cleanse you from your unrighteousness. According to Isaiah 55:7, the wicked should forsake his way, and the unrighteous one abandons his or her thoughts and should return to God because he will have mercy on him or her and will abundantly pardon such a person.

Prayer: Father Lord I return unto you in total submission and ask for forgiveness of my sins, I ask that you pardon me and cleanse me from all my unrighteousness, let the precious blood of Jesus cleanse me thoroughly from all my sins, in the name of Jesus.

3. Ask God to grant you his salvation and also release his blessing upon your head. According to Psalm 3:8 and Proverbs 10:5, Salvation belongs to God, and he makes his blessing to be upon his people, and also that blessing is upon the head of the righteous.

Prayer: Father Lord, pour your blessing upon my head and grant me your salvation, destroy every wicked enemy rising early in the morning to curse me, and turn every curse of my enemy to blessing for me, in the name of Jesus.

4. Ask God to give you strength and also bless you with his peace. Psalm 29:11 tells us that God will give strength to those who belong to him, and he will also bless them with peace.

Prayer: Father Lord, bless me with your peace and give me all the strength I need to prosper, renew my strength, I ask that you keep my heart and mind by your peace, and destroy every evil power assigned to make me weary or faint, in the name of Jesus.

5. Ask God to preserve you and surround you with his favor. Psalm 121: 7-8 and Psalm 5:12, reveals that God will preserve you from all evil, he will also preserve your soul, and you’re going out and coming in, and he will surround you with his favor like a shield.

Prayer: Father Lord, surround me with your favor and give your angels command to preserve me from all evil, let every spirit assigned from the coven of darkness against me be bound and cast out, in the name of Jesus.

6. Ask God to give you grace and glory. According to Psalm 84:11, God will give you grace and glory and he will not hold back any good thing from you.

Prayer: Father Lord, give me the grace to be productive in whatever I set my hand to do, open doors of productive opportunities for me, let your glory come upon me and make me better than I am, I ask that you open heaven unto me and give me every good thing I need, in the name of Jesus.

7. Ask God to make your enemies fall by their counsel. Psalm 5:10 reveals that God will destroy your enemies and he will also make them their counsel.

Prayer: Father Lord, I ask that you arise and make my enemies fall my their counsel, let every wicked enemy that set traps to destroy me fall into their trap, in the name of Jesus.

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