Pastor Alph Lukau Prayer Request – Phone Number , Email , WhatsApp Phone Number

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Kindly follow the steps below and get started.

Note that Pastor Alph Lukau Prayer Request is strictly for official use.

Pastor Alph Lukau Prayer Request

Steps on how to us Pastor Alph Lukau Prayer Request:

  1. Send your prayer request to the phone number:- (+27) 76 318 4777

  2. You can also send an email to [email protected]

  3. If you want to visit them physically , you can visit using the address below.

5 Impala road Kelvin View Sandton South Africa

Review On Pastor Alph Lukau Prayer Request – Phone Number , Email , WhatsApp Phone Number

In a year that represents perfect vision one of the reasons why we might not being seeing the newness of God manifested in our lives could be due to our vision being impaired by things in our past.

In fact, throughout the Bible we are often reminded to not look back, however we keep doing so.

Understand that we are in a season where God is wanting to birth something great in our lives but if we become distracted we’ll end up retaining the wrong things that just might breach our blessing.

Let go of every thought, memory and obstruction keeping your eyes off of what’s ahead so that we do not miss what God is doing in this hour.

The worse thing you can do is continue being bound by your circumstances when God has already made a way and you miss it.

There is ample time and opportunity left in this year for God to do something awesome but you can’t see what you refuse to look towards.

Make a turn towards the NEW thing and I promise you’ll forget all about what you left behind.

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